Don’t Feed Their Greed
There is an election coming up in the UK soon and I won’t be voting. I am entitled to but I won’t – it just encourages them you see. Seriously. Politicians these days are career Politicians by and large. They have been learning to lie since college many of them with an eye on a lucrative career in politics. They are not in it to help you or me. Just themselves. A politician is close to where money and power lies. One goes with the other. It doesn’t matter if its fiddling expenses, taking back handers for politic favors or just enjoying a privileged lifestyle – they are ALL at it. Everywhere. The system is truly broken because of it. A politician has his hand in the till at its
Read More »Suddenly, Everyone’s an Expert
Have you noticed how, these days, everyone is an expert about everything? Its social media that has done this I think. Stories are floated around woefully lacking in any truth, substance or reality and people read them as if they were gospel. Many feel compelled to benefit us with their encyclopedic knowledge on the subject matter and quite honestly the result makes me laugh at its stupidity … except it doesn’t because people simply can’t tell fact from fiction, truth from lies and they do not know who or what to believe. It is sad and it is dangerous. There is an old movie starring Peter Cook. He works his way up from nowhere to be PM of Britain and, using a combination of theatre and by allowing everyone to
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