Living Ghosts

My latest Kindle Short in the Paranormal Eyewitness series is titled – Ghosts of the Living. I guess that is a sort of mismatch of terms – ghosts of living people….. and therein lies the fun of this book. What I discovered is that there are a number of ways that living people can appear as ghosts…. here are a few – bilocation, doppelgangers, and astral projection. So I covered these and other similar phenomena and I arrived at a conclusion that I rather like actually. In moments of danger, stress, or near sleep, we probably all have the ability to bilocate or be in two places at once. The book is filled with short but real examples as well. Funnily enough, I was telling a friend about the book

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Expertise is the New Arrogance

The other week, I was told I was arrogant in a social media forum. The other person then cut me off and cut all ties altogether. I looked up arrogant and arrogance to see if it were true, that I am arrogant. One definition that I found was this – an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.  Now, I am pretty sure I don’t feel superior to anybody. Quite the reverse in fact. I think I am a bloody mess of emotions, thoughts, and reactions like most of the rest of humanity and that occasionally, when I remember, I am trying to figure all of this out. On the other hand, I am increasingly concerned by what I see in the world

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Audio, Audio

As a writer who publishes his own books, any way to get to an audience and make additional sales is of value. About 6-months ago I thought I would have a shot at audiobooks via ACX – Amazon’s audiobook platform. Today, I sold my 500th audiobook! I am reaching a different audience using the audiobook as well and I do think that is helping book sales generally. I am on for a record year and currently have 4 books in the UK supernatural top 50 including an audio book! The ACX program is a bit rigid but it is quite easy to navigate. Firstly, you sign up for your account and then you identify your books – those you want to create audiobooks with anyway. Then, you look for a

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Don’t Quit Your Day Job

The book writing business is one of those where a very small proportion of authors make any money. The rest of us hope for pennies and must remember to stay focused on the day job if we are to eat. As of today, I have written some 27 odd books across a wide range of topics and my experience to date falls into several buckets as follows; Published by a publishing Company Some people prefer to be ‘properly’ published. I have several books that were properly published by a publisher and my experience is that for someone starting out, it simply doesn’t make much sense. Some publishers will ask you to help ‘pay’ for putting the book out and yes, I have done that. I will never recoup that investment. Others

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My Haunted Life Extreme Edition – Countdown

The compilation of the three hit My Haunted Life books is available for a strictly limited time for just 99 cents or 99 pence. Grab it while you can or forever miss it! 50 true creepy stories of ghosts, demons and the paranormal for just 99 cents? Am I crazy? That is 2 cents per story! Find out why these books have sold over 4000 copies and grab the compilation now while the offer lasts. Then, come back later and buy a whole bunch of paperbacks to give as Halloween gifts later… Buy it here. Reviews –  My Haunted Life, should be called My Scary Life as it is a very good example of a writer praying on experiences that we all can relate to. The Poltergeist relates to those

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Massive Download of Wizards Book

A staggering 601 copies of my new Kindle book – Wizards, Warlocks and Magicians – were downloaded across Amazon sites during its 5-day give away. That is over 100 copies a day and the book broke the top 1000 on for a period as well. Now, let’s hope that it sells just as well. Meanwhile, my new book is with my editor and a cover is being designed. This one will be both paperback and Kindle and the working title is How To Create Your Reality. I am in the process of putting up a website for this book and I will offer courses later as well for anyone interested. There will also be a video promo for the book as well. I am excited about this one as

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Consult My Psychic Promotion

All my life, I have periodically consulted a psychic for tarot card readings. Often, these readings have been amazingly accurate – especially those given by my friend Pat Rickard. Pat is an amazing lady who I have known for about 15-years now from my time in Texas. Now, I am offering an opportunity to win a 30 minute consultation with my psychic! For the next 6-weeks, I am holding a promotional competition to allow one lucky person a FREE 30 minute consultation with my personal psychic – Pat Rickard. All you have to do is sign up for my mailing list to qualify between now and April 20th. Subscribers to my mailing list receivean exciting monthly newsletter with all new and never before published short stories, articles on the supernatural

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My Haunted Life Too is OUT

I know that by now, you have all rushed over to your respective Amazon sites and procured your Kindle copy of My Haunted Life Too right? No? Why not? Out today!! Scare yourself to sleep for just 99 cents with My Haunted Life Too on Kindle! Get it here. While you are there, don’t forget to download my poetry collection – Moon Whispers – for free and grab your copy of My Haunted Life – the original in the series….

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The Mystical Hexagram – Countdown Deal

For the first week of December, we have set up an Amazon countdown deal for the kindle version of The Mystical Hexagram. It will start at 50% off on the 1st December. The book explores a symbol. Not from some scholarly or deeply complex perspective, but seeing it as a representation relating to life and living. The forces and pressures that are associated with the hexagram are, after all the forces of life at both practical and Universal levels. By exploring and beginning to understand the symbol, we are able to learn and discover more about ourselves. The meditations throughout the book take you on an inner journey of exploration, discovering the parallels between the self and the greater reality within which we live our lives. They illustrate the connection

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Family Bible

“Come and look at this,” my father said with a tone in his voice I recognized as meaning it was something interesting. I walked over to our kitchen table curiously. He had a book. It was actually a huge book and leather-bound. “It’s a bible,” explained my Dad. It was a large and heavy, black, leather-bound bible. It looked quite old too. “It belonged to neighbors of mine when I was a boy,” explained Dad leafing through some of the pages. “Here, look at this.” The inside cover of this huge family bible was written in and once I got used to the old fashioned hand writing, I realised it was a four generation family tree. Did it mark the path through the family that this bible had taken? As

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