The Art of Science – Cover Reveal
The Art of Science – due out sometime in February – is my new collection of poetry. (Yes – I still pop out poetry like its going out of fashion in the simple hope that one day it will be back in fashion…). However, dah dah! The cover is now revealed… Designed by Nick Wale…. I love it!
Read More »Work Space Blog Hop
So, once again I have been ‘nominated‘ on one of these blog hop things… this time to show off my work space!! So here goes. I work from home in a small space fondly referred to as my office but in reality its the small guest bedroom and one could scarcely fling a cat in it… Strangely enough, it is almost the smallest room in our Brno apartment and, if you remove sleep hours from the equation, I probably spend 70% of my time sat in the corner of this small space. Rather bizarre when I come to think about it that way. It is my office, where I write, where I promote and market, where I meditate, where I deal with the mundane things like paying bills for example,
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