Sowing Warmth – By Sue Vincent
This post by my very good friend, Sue Vincent, really had me thinking this morning and seems very apt for a Sunday post… If you enjoy it please pop over to her blog and catch a few more insightful thoughts from Sue and her friends… There was a road closure on the way to work, so, to avoid the build-up of traffic, I took to the back streets, wending my way through a residential area and passing the house in which we had first lived when we moved south. To let oncoming cars pass, I pulled to one side, almost outside our old home, and was able to see what had become of my garden. It had been a blank canvas when we had moved in, with nothing but
Read More »When The Time is Right….
Another new song. This one is multi-layered and complex… When the time is right I’ll take you in my arms all the night And we’ll make love ’til the dawn comes I’ll hold you tight All through the night I’ll hold you tight All through the night Life is short So we must live life to the fullest Life is quick So fast, that its gone before we know it When the time is right I’ll take you places all around the globe And we’ll dance until the dawn comes I’ll hold you tight All through the night I’ll hold you tight All through the night Life is short So we must live life to the fullest Life is quick So fast, that its gone before we know it And
Read More »Hello World!
I just woke up from a bad dream. Did I really cut myself out of my own life for all those years? Yes, I did. For the love of someone else, I turned my back on what I was and spent my time giving what I thought she wanted and denying who I was. Well no more. The last 10-years has been all about someone else. A person who pulled me in to push me away. Over and over. Who criticized the core of my being and shamed me into being someone I am not and never will be. Quite honestly, I can’t believe this happened at all. What was I thinking? Hello World…… Hello Gary. I’m glad you are back. Forgive me. I was lost. But Im finding my
Read More »Resurrection
The darkness crept in like a thief in the night It came from an unexpected source It clouded my judgement It froze the blood in my veins Its hard to see in the dark All you can do is try to feel the pain Pushing, pushing darkness away The source of my pain The lady who lit me up Stole my light bit by bit The fire she started was never for me But only for her The dawn is breaking over my heart And the embers of love still remain There to be fueled and burst aflame But not by her, not ever again The darkness and all that pain Is passing as I live again.
Read More »The Realization
Realizations are funny things. When it finally happens it shifts your axis. It moves your world. They are born oftentimes by necessity out of pain. And the moment they happen, the pain is replaced with incredulity. How did I not see this before? I guess there truly is a structure to the human learning process – a methodology. My pain and anguish has not totally gone. It will not go quietly nor abruptly for the process of growing, learning, and maturing is not something that occurs in an instant. But there is a tipping point at which the realization takes seed in fertile soil and, nourished by the tears of agony, begins to grow. The seed germinates and takes root in our dark night of the soul and it reaches
Read More »Looking for Love in A Foreign City
Now I am single again, my attention has already turned to trying to get out there and about. In truth, I’m not ready. I need to heal first. But, love won’t come looking for me sitting alone in my apartment watching Californication and wondering why I can’t act a bit more like David Duchovny’s character. So you sign up for a dating site or two and you set off for any party, get together, or meeting you can find. These dating sites are a crock though. I mean how do you decide if you like a person or not based on their best polished and photoshopped picture? I did get a bit of an ego trip though signing up for one. After just a day my profile was locked so
Read More »Heartache City
Eleven years ago, I fell in love. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t focus. I was intoxicated. Over the 11-years there were ups and downs and perhaps in retrospect signs that all was not quite OK. The funny thing is, often you don’t actually register the signs until afterwards. The last 2-3 years have been one long roller coaster of off and on again culminating in me finally moving out a few months ago. Even then, all was to some extent OK. I still loved her but I needed to get some space and process things a bit. In my heart, I think I knew that it was over but I held out that little glimmer of hope that somehow, the woman I once knew and loved would
Read More »Living Ghosts
My latest Kindle Short in the Paranormal Eyewitness series is titled – Ghosts of the Living. I guess that is a sort of mismatch of terms – ghosts of living people….. and therein lies the fun of this book. What I discovered is that there are a number of ways that living people can appear as ghosts…. here are a few – bilocation, doppelgangers, and astral projection. So I covered these and other similar phenomena and I arrived at a conclusion that I rather like actually. In moments of danger, stress, or near sleep, we probably all have the ability to bilocate or be in two places at once. The book is filled with short but real examples as well. Funnily enough, I was telling a friend about the book
Read More »Saying No
Many of the people that I am attracted to are people who know how to say No. You see, I don’t. My biggest issue in life is wanting to be loved. Wanting to be wanted. I don’t know where this came from – certainly not my childhood as I was both loved and wanted. I was, it seems, simply born this way. I am therefore, a giver. I give and I give and I give. I avoid conflict whenever possible and I keep on giving and saying yes until I am simply taken for granted and abused. Someone in my past once told me that I don’t love myself. I’m not sure about that but certainly, I have a deep seated sense of insecurity. The funny thing is however, that
Read More »Talk Talk
This is the final mastered version of a song I just wrote and I’d love your feedback – what do you think? It is called Talk Talk… Talk, talk Talk, talk Talk, talk Talk, talk A talking head A constant stream But in my head Is anyone listening? Talk, talk Talk, talk Talk, talk Talk, talk How fitting To see your name in print Fame always eluded you Now you are a household name How very apt To see you truly succeed Talk, talk Talk, talk What Your fame came too late Posthumous recognition Are you watching from some other place? Is there a smile upon your ghostly face? You chased and fought daily How bloody eerie Talk, talk Talk, talk
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