I Used to be able to fly…..

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan I posted this quote on Facebook last night on the Last Observer page. For a novel about the nature of reality and magic, it struck me as a darn fine quote. Magic really does involve belief or faith. Faith really can move mountains. Magic rituals, far from being some evil activity performed naked with the lights out, are simply a very traditional human activity designed to help act out and therefore convince the subconscious and other areas of the psyche, that something is so. That, if you like, we can still fly. I discuss this in Inner Journeys where I use the example of projecting success and

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Sometimes, in a meditative state, I have some impressions about imagination. I can barely explain in words what these are except to say that I get the strongest idea that if I could truly imagine something as really there, it would be and that this is how everything works. What is even stranger is that I often have a memory of being very young and being able to do this. I haven’t explained very well. I can’t. It is very frustrating though because it is a knowledge and a memory and then it’s gone again. It’s leaving is tinged with the sadness of knowing that I knew this/know this/can do this/did do this but have now forgotten how. I have also experienced this same sense of loss on waking up

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The Last Observer

The Last Observer is coming along quite nicely and seems to have a life of its own. 25,000 words already and probably halfway done. Already have a mainstream publisher interested in the novel too which is good. The Last Observer is a tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into a violent battle between black and white magicians because he has an imagination capable of co-creating reality. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it seems and that he will be called to play a decisive role in determining whose reality will prevail. Hopefully, it will be out later this year.

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Dad and Magick

I was thinking tonight about the fact that I always had the thought that my Father had something important to tell me. We discussed it a few times but never could come up with anything that seemed significant. Tonight, I was thinking about magick, reality and imagination. Suddenly a thought popped into my head. Driving around and around the block in Brno one night with my Dad sat next to me looking for the elusive parking space Dad said “When I need a parking space I just believe there will be one and you know, there always is.” Blow me down with a feather – my Dad was a magician and in that one innocent statement he described the art. I am sure I heard him chuckle….

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Thoughts On The Nature Of Reality

Reality. What is it? Rosicrucians talk of both reality and actuality. Reality is essentially what you perceive of the actuality. There is an actuality but what it is most likely cannot be known – not now anyway. Reality is an illusion. A self made illusion. Time is a reality and an illusion. It is simply a construct of the mind that is required by Universal Mind Law to allow for movement and experience. Reality – your reality – is created via imagination and your belief system. Your culture, upbringing, beliefs and yes- the rules you live life by – all go into creating your reality. But that reality is an illusion – a wakeful dream. It is not actuality. All of us fall into the trap of believing into reality.

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Thoughts On Meditation

When I first started out on this path, I was very concerned about whether I was doing it right. What was meditation and visualization? Eventually, I seemed to stumble into it though and despite occasionally questioning my version of meditation and visualization against what I read as other people’s experience, I began to realize that what I do works for me and gained confidence. I now realize that I have in fact spent many innumerable hours meditating without even realizing that I was doing it. As a child growing up in England, I had quite a distance to walk everyday back and forth to school. To kill the boredom of the walk, I would imagine that I was a pop star with my own band and a song in the

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