
Facists was the last song written for The Early Years. The song started with the introduction – picking out notes from a chord and adding in a harmony – and the main riff developed out of that. I had in other songs discovered that adding a sort of lead guitar riff in background added color to a song and I continued that theme with this song. I also played with a changed tempo during the song. The lyrics and topic came last and I chose to sing it in a lower – almost speaking voice with multiple overlays – some spoken to give it depth…   It’s up in the air It’s hanging around Nothing we can do Nothing at all   The world’s gone crazy The world’s gone mad

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Chaos Rising

A couple of decades ago, as walls in Europe fell, one felt as if perhaps humanity was on a good path. There was a sense of the old restrictions falling away and the smell of opportunity was in the air. One felt as if the forces of chaos were momentarily in retreat and the forces of light began to move forward. People wanted their freedom, they were ready to embrace the new structures that were emerging and the ugly side of chaos – nationalism – was in retreat. Contrast that with today. Nationalism is rampant again seized upon by Politicians eager to point fingers at scapegoats like immigrants, Mexicans, Homosexuals and any other group perceived to be the villain and easy to blame. The UK wants out of the EU,

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Donald Trump’s Hair

I think what Donald Trump needs is a good haircut. I know that his current ‘do’ is iconic and sort of his trademark, but seriously, a new style would really help him out. To me, he emulates Yorkshire’s own Arthur Scargill and he was an utter failure too who never understood that his hair was the real issue standing in his way to power. You see, hair is important. Donald obviously has understood this and perhaps believes that it represents his strength and manliness: a bit like that guy in the old testament. Perhaps he thinks that if he has it cut shorter, it will somehow stunt his manhood? I reckon, Donald would look good in a mohican or perhaps a Kojak styling? He could even go so far as

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