Episode 10 -Magic and Mysticism with Stephen Tanham
In the latest episode of the Magical World of G. Michael Vasey podcast, I talk with a founder of the Silent Eye School of Consciousness – Stephen Tanham. Steve is a mystical teacher, writer, poet and prolific photographer. He is a founding Director of the Silent Eye School of Consciousness, a not-for-profit, international distance-learning organisation that provides a mentored path to deep and practical spiritual consciousness. The Silent Eye programme works on the basis of a three year internal journey across an inner landscape mapped by a spiritual version of the enneagram. The Silent Eye’s mentored journey may be considered in three stages as: – Understanding our selves – the character; – Alignment of self with the spiritual; – Opening the faces of Spiritual Love. Steve’s spiritual path to the
Read More »Attention
I have recently been reading a book on magic. To be honest, it has proven to be a dire read indeed promising much but delivering nothing. Except, that is, for one thing. Throughout the book the author talks about energy following thought. I haven’t yet finished the book so maybe it will still surprise me but I doubt it. It seems to be a lot of promises to reveal something without ever revealing anything very much. However, the ideas that energy follows thought is a really interesting and different way to talk about attention. The person who wrote the book plainly knows his stuff but simply choses not to really give anything except broad brush content. Magic he says is about energy and energy follows thought. For me, magic is
Read More »Indiscriminate Fear
If you take a look at CNN’s front page today you would be forgiven for being afraid. I really begin to believe the constant creation of fear by the media is a ploy to some purpose though quite honestly, I am not sure what. Sorry, I am unafraid. Everything is as it should be. Of course, much of the CNN real estate is made over the an organization called ISIS. Frankly, I detest this name as it has little to do with the Goddess who is the real Isis. However, this group of a few thousand heart-deadened deadbeats whose ability to poll the depths of human depravity and cruelty appears to know no end, is exactly that – just a few thousand criminals, maniacs and psychopaths. In today’s high tech
Read More »Lady
She gently brushes my graying face With her sweet and airy breath Her musky fragrance pervades The hallowed space around me I have plumbed her depths And I have drank her deeply Yet, still she is a mystery to me She gave me life and sustenance She washed away my pain with her tears Her embrace is like eternity She is beneath me and above me She is always all around me I breathe in her fragrance deeply I am hers utterly, completely Within me and without me The divine waters ebb and flow She is my soul. She is my Goddess She is Life and she will be my death She is the Grail that I have sought She is the beginning and the end She is this life
Read More »Your Life is One Big Lie
One of the central themes of all my writings – even the My Haunted Life series – is the nature of reality and the role that we may play in dictating that. Over the last twenty or so years (if not my entire life really), I have read, meditated on, studied and discussed this topic and the process I have come to several conclusions. One of these is that I now believe that much of our world is an illusion. It’s easy to draw analogies with movies like the Matrix here and I and others often do but what I mean is a lot of what we think we know isn’t real. It isn’t truth nor fact. I once said (and thought it was rather cute) – “The more I
Read More »I was Troubled. Now I am Astonished.
The other day I was participating in a discussion on Facebook. The theme of the topic was the supermarkets here in Brno and one person posted a very long tirade about empty shelves. I was amazed. Empty shelves? Where? When? This was such an opposite to my experience with Brno supermarkets that I responded rather too quickly. I said something like – you must live in a parallel universe….. Of course, he took this as insulting, not knowing me. I think probably anyone would. But I actually meant it. It wasn’t an insult but an observational analysis that, as I grow older I more and more believe may be true. We all live in our own realities and we reflect back what we expect. It’s not quite that simple of course,
Read More »It’s Just the News
I try not to visit the major news sites except for sport. Why? To be honest, I think they have agendas and they report only bad news that is usually blown up out of all proportion. Their agenda seems to be to create fear. So I really don’t visit anymore as I said. Yesterday though and today, I did visit the BBC and CNN websites looking for news on the fall in the price of oil. I am, after all, an analyst in the commodities space. I have hated the BBC website for some time but now CNN has done a similar redesign – its awful! Both news sites are now all big color pictures with lurid headlines and short reports. I see this as a part of the same
Read More »The Cross
Have to admit I am deeply flawed And no matter how hard I try These things so deeply lie Burn Scorched Earth Wash Scrubbed Air Balancing elements Losing irrelevants In places No soap has ever been In places No physical eyes have seen Still, it’s not enough Some habits hang tough The flaws magnified Obsessing over scratches While missing the gaping wound Bleeding Pleading Seeing life ooze away Nothing left except to pray Elements stirred Returned to the point At which we started When these four were parted Burn Scorched Earth Wash Scrubbed Air Four-lorn, I am The fifth gets Short shrift The Lamb I am A Cross Free of Dross I am Yes, I truly am
Read More »Adam and Eve
I have the words But perhaps I lack the wisdom Exploration is an exciting game Especially of those darkened inner regions As I build my tortuous iron chain Just like that of poor Mr. Marley Seeking ever more worldly gain To take along to my final party But there are chinks in my armour That steely shell that I built To protect myself from me Don’t need that silly psycho drama Strutting on a worldly stage Never to be heard no more A fool full of his own import But trapped in the guilded cage Of his own idiotic nature Nothing, nothing more to be Life’s a package of candy With sticky tangy centers Pungent tastes in the chewing Dissolves to nothing but tasty spit As I fade into the
Read More »A Quandary of Existence
Stillness A quiet so loud I am deafened by the nothingness Brightness A light so bright I am blinded by its’ darkness Inside is outside Life is just a dream Inner worlds reflected To the outside deflected Sanity in my madness Light in my darkness An upside down world Or am I the hanged man? Voices that talk to me They say I am not alone That I am connected To everything I rejected All is me just reflected In a word – redacted Where is the edge to this? Is my head hanging beyond? I am so small, so very tiny Just a speck in eternity I am though at the center And yet I don’t remember This is all simply just me Yes, everything that we can see
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