She Is Still Out There – Somewhere…
It was 1979 and I was sitting in my 19th floor study bedroom on the campus of Aston University. I kind of liked the rock reggae riff I had just discovered on the guitar and I was still angry with a certain girl….. the result was ‘She’s Out There’. An angst ridden song about a failed relationship in an era when The Police were simply it. I played it live quite a few times back then and people loved it… When I sat down 30 years later to record a few songs, it was the first one I recorded and I had played it so often, my 9 year old daughter could sing it with me.
Read More »I Feel an Album Coming On
Recently, I bought a new guitar. Then, I bought a way to record it on my iMAC and then finally, I bought a microphone…. I am now engaged in a project to record a bunch of songs I wrote and often performed back in the 1970’s and early 80’s along with a couple of newer songs. Not sure what people will make of my indulgence but I am having fun! One thing I discovered is that my voice is no longer very powerful and I no longer can hit the notes so well….. However, here is the first track – I may re-record the verse vocals at some point but for now, I’m sort of OK with this. It’s called Waitin’ For You and I wrote it in a room
Read More »Off To Aston…
I remember being very keen to escape from Hull and Willerby. At age 18, my chance had arrived. I was off to Aston University in Birmingham for 3-years. It wasn’t my family I wanted to escape from it was the place. There was a big world to explore and I wanted to have a fresh start. Be the person that I was instead of the person people thought I was. Back then, Birmingham seemed miles and miles away. The train ride was via Doncaster and Sheffield and it was tremendously exciting….. Birmingham itself was like a concrete jungle. Aston is near the city center and then it literally was concrete underpasses, concrete walkways, concrete bull ring and … well, it was all so much concrete really! Did I care? Hell
Read More »She’s Out There
I came across the hand written lyrics to a song that I wrote in 1976! I can still play it and one day I will record it as it is actually quite good even if I say so myself. It is rock reggae like the Police but predates them and it is what I played in their dressing room at Aston University…. but that is another story that you can read here.. Here are the lyrics…. She’s out there She’s out there She’s out there Somewhere She was one them girls She was good looking and she knew it She was oh so so cool But there was something missing With that chick oooooh She’s out there She’s out there She’s out there Somewhere She was out on the town
Read More »Poltergeist
In the run up to Halloween, here is another true and strange tale of the paranormal. I will post a new strange true story each day so don’t miss them. up in my house was on the whole, pretty good. We had great parents, almost every weekend we were gone camping somewhere, we had two proper holidays each year and I have no complaints at all. Just a bunch of heartfelt thanks to my parents and a growing sense of awe as to how they did all that with three small boys and not a lot of money. When I was eleven, we moved. It was a good move to be honest from a terraced three up, two down in west Hull to a rather nice semi-detached outside of Hull.
Read More »A Barren Day and My Roots
Its one of those days when I am uninspired and don’t seem to have anything to say that I haven’t said before. No poetry, no bursts of irked energy for a good old rant and certainly no spiritually uplifting thoughts or feelings. These sorts of days happen. Perhaps its because I have done nothing but write anyway – white papers, Analyst briefing notes, articles, presentations etc. etc. I really do write for a living it seems – if you are interested in those professional writings take a look here). So…. What then? Just recently I have been feeling a bit homesick for Houston. I mean, Houston was home for 17-years and after being away almost 8-years, I do miss it from time to time. I miss the heat would you
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