She gently brushes my graying face With her sweet and airy breath Her musky fragrance pervades The hallowed space around me I have plumbed her depths And I have drank her deeply Yet, still she is a mystery to me She gave me life and sustenance She washed away my pain with her tears Her embrace is like eternity She is beneath me and above me She is always all around me I breathe in her fragrance deeply I am hers utterly, completely Within me and without me The divine waters ebb and flow She is my soul. She is my Goddess She is Life and she will be my death She is the Grail that I have sought She is the beginning and the end She is this life
Read More »The Mystical Hexagram – Countdown Deal
For the first week of December, we have set up an Amazon countdown deal for the kindle version of The Mystical Hexagram. It will start at 50% off on the 1st December. The book explores a symbol. Not from some scholarly or deeply complex perspective, but seeing it as a representation relating to life and living. The forces and pressures that are associated with the hexagram are, after all the forces of life at both practical and Universal levels. By exploring and beginning to understand the symbol, we are able to learn and discover more about ourselves. The meditations throughout the book take you on an inner journey of exploration, discovering the parallels between the self and the greater reality within which we live our lives. They illustrate the connection
Read More »In the Domain of Asteroth
Several months ago I moved this blog to the set up from my own private hosting arrangement. It does seem to get better traffic and more readers and so I have moved my other blog too. My other blog, Asteroth’s Domain, is my original blog that in some form or other has been online since 2006. As you might imagine, its been through several reiterations but the posts there include material back to 2006. A word of warning! Asteroth’s Domain is explicitly about the occult, magic, alchemy, and reality as I see it. I don’t post there often. Perhaps once a month at most (and I will admit to adding an odd promotional item for my books there too) but if you are NOT into that kind of stuff,
Read More »A Old Interview
Back in the days when I still thought IJ would sell like hot cakes, I did an interview with Jeff Belanger of Jeff was an old work colleague of mine who suddenly gave up his day job to write…. he now has 12 best sellers to his name! Interview by Jeff Belanger – [email protected] author interview In Inner Journeys, Dr. G. Michael Vasey shares how the study of the occult, meditation, and his deeper self has enriched his life. Vasey offers a path the reader can follow for getting in contact with their own spirit guides. caught up with Dr. Vasey to ask him about his life and the new book. Was there a single event in your life that stirred your curiosity in the occult? There
Read More »Love As Acceptance
Today, Asteroth told me write about love. I asked for more detail and she said ‘love as acceptance’. I didn’t need anymore words because the words themselves conveyed the entirety of the suggestion. This is a difficult concept to explain but it seemed as if the words themselves conveyed the feeling and understanding of love as acceptance. It’s as if the words are only a key to a packet of understanding which opens up and engulfs me. What those words conveyed to me was along the lines that when we are told to ‘love one another’, we are told to accept one another for what we are and what we have the potential to be. It’s a surrendering of one’s own ego and viewpoint. A letting go of our own
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