
The Last Observer’s First Chapter

It is short but it sets the scene….. Chapter 1 A Dead Psychic There was something remarkable about Michael Kent. His crystal-clear and deep-set blue eyes, sunken into a pale and haggard face, seemed to penetrate into the depths of your very soul. He appeared to be capable of reaching inside of you so that he could search through your entire contents without first having had the courtesy to ask. Michael was a well-known psychic in those parts. Locally famed, and at the same time loathed, for his apparent ability to help the local constabulary solve unsolvable crimes. Yet now he was an unsolvable crime himself. Kent had been found dead just outside of his favorite pub, the Rose and Crown. The back of his head caved in like a

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My Ever Increasing Waistline

I have never exactly been slim – well, not since I was in my teens anyway. I always carried a little weight but being tall, it wasn’t obvious. Then, about a year ago, the weight started slowly to creep on. I can’t say I changed my lifestyle much. I’m not sporty but I am reasonably active. Disaster though has finally struck. You see I quit smoking a few months ago and now I am overweight. My belly has an overhang for the first time in my life and I am thinking about shopping for a bra. To be honest, I simply don’t get it. How could my reality have changed so negatively so fast? What did I do wrong? I do like my food particularly sweet stuff that is true

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Trying to Deny Reality

Apparently, in Russia, parliament just passed a bill making it illegal to tell children that gay people exist by 434-0. The bill goes much further than that of course in its defense of ‘traditional sexuality’. Russia, it seems to me is stepping ever closer to the totalitarian nonsense from which it all too recently escaped. In fact, I think its a more dangerous country now than it was before because it pretends to be a democracy. It never ceases to amaze me how hard some countries, politicians or normal folks go to deny reality and restrict freedom. If there was one thing I could do to change the world it would be this – to teach people that its OK to have your religion, beliefs or views but to stop

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Myth Making

I am no conspiracy theorist. I think that what things seem to be are mostly how they are. In my experience, if something can be cocked up and, humans are involved, then it will be thoroughly cocked up. In other words, people that see deliberate acts of conspiracy are often really seeing cock ups with no intention or pattern behind them. That’s my view anyway. People who follow conspiracy theories begin to create a reality in which everything is a conspiracy. They believe, they see and they make it so in their created world. So it is with certain other topics. I no longer pay much attention to the news because, as I said yesterday, media is stupid, manipulated or both. Everyone has an agenda and the aim of that

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I think the media is finished. Either that or the majority of my fellow humans are stupid. I will go with the former while secretly suspecting the latter. The media really is a joke. They invent stories. They see stories where any normal thinking person would not. Let me explain. It’s the digital age. Any number of movies about spies and spying have people followed via their cell phone, tracked by their email and so on. Everyone knows that spies and spying agencies (and the Government’s that pay for these services) collect information. Hollywood figured out how that might be done in the digital age too. So why is anyone surprised that Government collects data? Is it the sheer volume of the data? Surely, nothing has changed. There is more

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Reality – Imagined for Free

Here is a poem from my forthcoming book – Astral Messages. It will be published in the Fall after The Last Observer…. Silence is an innaccurate word Loud, it is full of strangeness Listen, for there you find infinity Otherworld’s sounds purred back to us Sight is certainly not to see Filled with images though it may be In fact, there are multitudes of otherworld’s paralleled stacked awaiting Open your senses Imagine and see Open your inner eye Imagine and be Fantasy is fantastical you see Truth fleeting hovers and flits there Grasp it by the toe and we’ll agree Reality is unlimited and imagined for free

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One Night’s Dream (from Weird Tales: Otherworld Poetry)

It’s tempting to look out Of the window sometimes To see the light once again The painted sill comes nearer The potential thrill of the view The glass is frosted And outside it is cold Reminds me of cities of old The vision is blurred and Indescribable Yet real, real The Sun is shining Just a globe in the North Still, it’s tempting to look The sky looks good In shades of pink and gold Taking another sniff Of my personal tube of glue It rains and night moves on Into something more eerie The eyes of the night Catch yours And the Man in the Moon Talks for a while Of all he saw before you But none since the last Has yet learned the thrill Of the planet

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And Finally….

Yes…… the sun is shining here in Prague. The rain starts again tomorrow though. So, I am going to keep it short so I can sit in that strange thing called sunlight for just a little while. The Last Observer is selling already – very slowly but it has some pre-orders and this is great news….. Meanwhile, I am working on Astral Messages – a new book of poetry. Can’t stay still for a minute….. Nice weekend folks!

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Why is Life so Dirty?

Filth and dirt A constant bloody mess Pots and clothes pile up Why is life so messy? Dust and dog hairs And even worse awaits us A microbe infested sea Why is life so dirty? Grime and grease Smelly, slimy rot Puddles of stinky pee Why is life so grimey? Plastic gloves and plastic bags Mops and buckets too Why is life so slimey? We are dirt A bag of shit and piss bile, spittle and worse And life is simply dirty!

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Recurring Dreams

I have always had recurring dreams. Sometimes, its the same dream but most often I recognize the place in my dream and expand upon it. In the latter, I guess I can also be lucid. Most of my recurring dreams involve houses – huge houses. There are always rooms in those houses that I really like but I never use and in the dream, I am exploring these rooms with a sense of wonderment. I suppose, this is really a self exploration and these unused rooms are perhaps areas of myself that I do not give sufficient attention to. I also have another recurring dream about places. Usually, this involves tunnels and streets and I am lost. I know I am not far from home but I can’t actually get

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