Peter the Roman, Fatima, and The Truth
I am stuck at home sick. Apparently, it is inflammation of the lung so I am miserable because, not only am I under the weather but, I have to quit the cigs! At times like these, I don’t have much energy and resort to browsing the internet mainly because Czech T.V. isn’t much fun. I often end up chasing down topics across the net and last night was no exception. For some reason, I found myself reading about the Fatima children and the three secrets. I started searching on the fact that the Pope is resigning, found all kinds of doomsday nonsense about the Last Pope – Peter the Roman, and from there, went to the Fatima stories. My initial thought, trawling through this material on the web, was good
Read More »Books, Work and Judgement
Just recently, I have been busy writing and editing (and editing) The Last Observer while living my normal demanding life. I probably submitted the manuscript to a publisher too early in my excitement for being ‘finished’. For finished, read unedited spillage onto page as I feverishly wrote the thing, night after night, wondering where it was coming from! I’m like that. Impatient. It is actually one of my strengths but also a significant weakness. It is my impatience, you see, that drives me day-by-day, multitasking like crazy to achieve my goals. It’s a fact, that I have achieved much much more than many who knew me at the age of 12 would have thought and it is this impatient drive of mine that I credit for it. The downside of
Read More »The Fool’s Journey
The last few weeks have seen me return to thoughts about the Way of the Fool. As if by magic, this has been reinforced as I reread a book called The Zelator which outlines the Way of the Fool extremely well. I will post a review of the book when I am finished with it but I can highly recommend it none the less. All this thought took me back to Inner Journeys in which the prologue is a poem I wrote about the Fool’s Journey. Here it is…. If you need some answers Look deep inside your mind For the inside is the outside Where all answers you can find On the Fool’s long journey You must start right at the end And walk your way backwards Imagination –
Read More »Time for Change
Just recently it seems a lot of ordinary people have gotten quite angry. In India, the brutal rape and, let’s call it what it was and say murder, of a young innocent student has caused a backlash of ordinary people demanding the government finally deal with the issue of rape. In the USA, anonymous is making sure that everyone is aware of the repeated rape of a high school girl by the town’s popular high school football team is kept in the news and they are not allowing the town to conveniently sweep the event under the carpet. In Pakistan, a teenage girl shot by the Taliban for defending women’s right to an education has caused a similar outcry. This is good but it’s not enough. We live in a
Read More »A New Year
Perhaps you are wondering why I have gone so quiet? Maybe not but I havent posted much here for a couple of weeks. The reason is I am hard at work on my new book – a novel – and I cant stop working on it. It has become my obsession and every spare minute I am writing. The book is called The Last Observer and I first thought of the concept about five years ago. I discussed it with my eldest son in a pub in London around that time and he was very taken by the plot…so much so he keeps asking me how it is going…. So here we are in another new year. In reality, its just another day and I have always wondered why folks
Read More »Dad and Magick
I was thinking tonight about the fact that I always had the thought that my Father had something important to tell me. We discussed it a few times but never could come up with anything that seemed significant. Tonight, I was thinking about magick, reality and imagination. Suddenly a thought popped into my head. Driving around and around the block in Brno one night with my Dad sat next to me looking for the elusive parking space Dad said “When I need a parking space I just believe there will be one and you know, there always is.” Blow me down with a feather – my Dad was a magician and in that one innocent statement he described the art. I am sure I heard him chuckle….
Read More »Living a Double Life
And now for a small expression of frustration! Actually, this is another take on what is a theme for me I think. You see I seem to be a double act. On the one hand we have the ordinary me. I can be described as a somewhat cantankerous, somewhat perverse person who is prone to be lazy, probably selfish and always seems to have no time. I am ‘sucked in’ by the sheer pace and complexity of life; big job, lot’s of stress, worried about the kids, worried about the fact that I am worried, scared half shitless when I look in a mirror and realize I have wrinkles, gray hair and a belly and time is running out. Frustrated that I cannot quit smoking and I seem to have
Read More »The Hexagram and Kybalion
The new book – The Mystical Hexagram: The Seven Inner Stars of Power by SC Vincent and myself – gets into a discussion of what I call ‘polarity’. The Polarity displayed by the Hexagram as a symbol is actually best viewed when the Hexagram is overlaid on the Tree of Life. In fact, the book looks at the three types of polarity implicit in the Hexagram as well as what I call the Three Cycles (which interestingly enough equate to the three Alchemical Principles of Salt, Mercury and Sulphur!) as well as the Fire and the Water triangles that, interlaced, form the hexagram. But … back to polarity. Today, I was re-reading the Kybalion book by the Three Initiates. It suddenly struck me that the three polarities observed in the
Read More »There Is Nothing New in the World
Except maybe self deception! (no – that is not new either). Today there is an explosion of articles about the mental nature of the Universe. Here is one example. I am glad. But lest these quantum physicists get ahead of themselves lets face some facts…. Man has known this for millenia. The knowledge was passed on or obtained through meditation and other such techniques but kept quiet. In a sense, it was suppressed by those who knew because of persecution or the lack of readiness of others to accept it. It was hidden. It became arcane or occult knowledge and it is therefore one of the foundational tenets of Magick. There is nothing new in the world. In fact, I will go further. Scientists are not yet even as far
Read More »The Flame of Desire.
Fire is the first born and fire is like desire. The desire to know, to understand, to be who you are. Once this fire is lit it will burn even if that burning is just a smoulder. This is why people say that ‘they will light a fire’ under someone. They mean that they wish to see more desire. This search must start through contemplation – inward looking searching for the real Self. This can take many hours, days, weeks even years or more but in the cloud there is the light of knowing. In the center of your darkness it is doused with the light and as that light extends outwards and through your soul more and more is exposed. Many will stop at the first flicker not liking
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