I worry for humanity given the younger generations inability to think critically I do. I guess I’ll be gone by the time they wreak their havoc on the world so maybe I should stop worrying…
Anyway. When you try to have a debate with these younger people about climate change some strange behavior manifests. I have had several attempts at debating this issue with a young BBC reporter, A British MP (and a bunch of his followers who all piled in), some people on Facebook etc.
Rather than engage with you on the topic, the response includes all of the following;
- You write badly and need to pay attention to your grammar (I actually use Grammarly, so I guess that is a waste of cash),
- You just used the word ‘crap’ and I find it offensive and the same goes with bullshit (strangely common words these days and very mild by anyone’s standards),
- I’m offended that you capitalized the word SCIENCE in an article of yours I found (Please grow up …),
- You worked as a Geologist for BP so they must be paying you (Oh how I wish that were true),
- Your Ph.D. (if you really have one) is not in climate science (I don’t have any qualifications at all but I still know more than you do so there… (and Climate Science is a subfield of Earth Sciences which is…. Geology!)),
- Show me your peer-reviewed papers (Show me yours too),
- Why don’t you answer/You have gone very quiet – guess you know nothing after all (Sorry but unlike British MPs, I don’t have the time nor inclination to hang on Twitter 24 x 7 so please be patient – go fiddle your expenses or something useful and I will be back later),
- 98% of scientists agree that this is a serious issue (1. Science isn’t a consensus, 2. Yes – even I would say mankind impacts climate but I wouldn’t mean via CO2 so the devil is in the details, 3. And so what? – read 1 and 2 above),
I could go on but you get the drift. No attempt to debate or think about what I am saying at all. Just use ways to insult, belittle and undermine.
Unfortunately, I find this is very much how many younger people behave when challenged. It’s ignorance in action.