From a football perspective, I don’t much like summer. It’s difficult to resist googling ‘Hull City News’ but every time I do I wonder why. If there is a media that loves ‘false news’ it sure is the sports media and so all summer long you get to read about who is buying all of your best players and who might be coming to replace them and frankly, most of the time, it is pure garbage. However, I can never quite resist reading the lurid headlines anyway and always find myself somewhat disappointed to find out who we are losing….. Harry Maquire was a blow but who can blame the lad… 80k a week! It’s obscene.
The there is pre-season. I’m also a bit of a fool there too following these games that are in the end meaningless run outs for a bunch of players that may actually sit on the bench most of the season anyway. Yet, there I am searching tube channels to see if by chance I may be able to watch from afar to get a glimpse of the new players….
Yep – from a football point of view, I hate summers…..