Somewhere there is a place
The dead must go
Once here, but now residing
Somewhere there
Cut off and isolated from the living
It used to be called Hades
A shadow land full of shadow people
And when the sun shines
They shimmer like rising heat
The dead are fast on their feet
Fleet of foot and silent too
A higher frequency of life
Is that what death truly is?
All around us they play
Thoughts trapped in the ether
And when the light is just right
We may gain a glimpse or two
A flickering shadow plays
Radiating under Sun rays
The faint echo of laughter
Or a hint of foot steps on ice
A face stares back in the mirror
A voice speaking starkly
From within incandescent static
They are there and they stare
They watch and still do they care
But they know it’s simply a matter
Of time and we will be there
To share eternity with them
As a ray of light, a fire spark
Spirit in perpetual motion
Eternally playing as the light
Effervescent with laughter
Joyfully lost in eternity
Pulled back to the One