I am going to tell you a story
Although it has a beginning
It’s ending is yet unwritten
And maybe has no ending
Once upon a long, long time ago
A boy was to a woman born
He sneezed and started his life
He was the family’s very first born
He grew and grew and grew
Tall and thin but quite bright
And off to college he went
Seeking out truth and inner light
He looked and searched all about
Examining all manner of places
Never finding what he sought
But he covered all the bases
One day in despair he sat
Quietly contemplating naught
Tired of seeking, he took a rest
And lost his train of thought
The inner vision grew and grew
Discovering very strange places
Filled with even stranger men
And their weird eyeless faces
He journeyed on and on afar
Deeper and deeper he did travel
Until he met a beautiful queen
It was then all began to unravel
The Queen you see embraced
Our weary and worn out hero
And he drank her kisses deep
While floating as if in limbo
I have the answers that you seek
Said the loving yet listless Queen
I am your eternal polar shadow
Living life somewhere in between
I am the answer that you seek
She said between those kisses
I can make us both complete
But our hero became suspicious
Tell me then, he said to her
What is the meaning?
And why am I here at all?
Because surely I am simply dreaming
The Queen hearing this did smile
And began to sing a familiar rhyme
About rowing a boat down a stream
And when he heard that final line
That life is but a dream
He knew
Do you too?