I think memories a strange thing. When I really want to remember something I can have a very hard time like my PIN number or someone’s name but at other times memories flood back unexpectedly. My mind, like everyone else’s I suspect, works best with images. Faces I can recall in an instant the name that goes with that face…. not so fast! It makes for those awkward moments where you are talking to someone who plainly knows you and your name and whose face seems familiar but you cannot place them at all……
Anyway, having moved back to Brno and to our apartment, I am having memories. The last time I saw my father alive was here and I can see him ever so clearly in this apartment. I see him asleep outside in a chair, I see him sat at the dinner table having polished off his meal and I can see him sat on the sofa patiently waiting to go to bed. It is so clear to me that it almost feels as if he is here. My Dad really liked Brno and for that week he was here he was well – the entire week! It seemed to do him good. We even went for a beer or two across the road and sat for a couple of hours talking and discussing things like global warming, the EU, family history, women….. the things guys talk about. It was that night that he told me a bit more about his family as other than his father, his mother and brother had died before I was born. It was a lovely week and he had a great time. Just a few months later, a week before we were due to visit, he passed quite quickly and somewhat unexpectedly. I still miss him.