Archive for January, 2014

Fate, Destiny and Free Will

The Vengeful Fates cackle While spinning their eternal web Objective achieved The plot in place They watch and wait From The Eagle’s Saga – A poem from Weird Tales: Otherworld Poetry by Dr. G. Michael Vasey, 2006 Free will. We all very much like to believe that we have freedom of choice. That we have the power to make the decisions in our lives. Indeed, those decisions are our life as they weave the patterns, twists and turns of our existence. But do we? Hermes, when asked about the nature of ordinary man – that is, of man that had not entered the stream of development that leads to initiation – he said that such a man or woman was merely a ‘procession of fate’. from The Zelator by Mark

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The Biggest Con in History

I have a short temper. I do! I have to work on it at all times. If there is one thing that will invariably get me to blow my top, its the topic of Global warming. I think many who know me also know this. The idea being propagated by well funded propaganda machine is that somehow we are headed to disaster if we keep polluting the planet with CO2 – a greenhouse gas – that has already warmed the planet up and is responsible for any outbreak of bad weather we see and, in a few more years will reach tipping point and we will all fry in a horrible planetary death event…. OK – that last bit is exaggerated but you get my drift. Not only is this

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Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Since I quit smoking I have gained weight at an alarming rate. A few months ago I decided to try to address it and I quit sugar and cut down heavily on sweets. Since this seemed to have no impact at all, I quit breads and anything wheaty. Still, no impact. I increased my exercise levels a bit with longer and brisker walks….. no impact. I cut out a lot of milk. You guessed it – no impact. I went out and bought an exercise bike and started doing 20 minutes everyday…..yes no weight loss at all…..So after christmas, I cut alcohol. At the same time, I have changed my diet and eat less fats and carbs but focus on proteins. I have eggs for breakfast, a salad at lunch

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The Subtle and The Gross

For all that meets the bodily sense I deem Symbolical, one might alphabet For infant minds: and we in this low world Placed with our backs to bright Reality, That we may learn with young unwounded ken The substance from the shadow. (The Destiny of Nations – Coleridge) I am finding The Zelator by Mark Hedsel a fascinating read. I have, in fact, read it at least twice before and it was one of those books that discovered me many years ago. I recall being in Toronto on a business trip and having a couple of hours to kill. I found a cheap bookstore somewhere in town and there was a pile of books called The Zelator. I picked one up and was sold in an instant. Hedsel discusses at

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Gone to the Dogs

As you may know, we have owned for the last several years a small dog. His name is Rocky and he is a Prague Ratter or a Pražský Krysařík in Czech. Other than a slight case of halitosis, Rocky is a good little dog and good company for Deni our daughter. However, on a recent visit to the countryside and the village where Gabriela’s father lives, Rocky was a naughty boy apparently having his wicked way with a sexy young Yorkshire Terrier…. We have, of course, discussed his behaviour with him and he has promised not to do it again. However, the Yorkie became pregnant and gave birth late last year to two Rocky juniors. Of course, we had to have one. Rocky is now having to get along with

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Poems for the Little Room Now Available

Overnight Amazon did its thing and the new version of Poems for the Little Room is now available in paperback form and probably very soon in the Kindle format. All three poetry books are now available via usual channels….

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New Version of Poems for the Little Room

I published my second book of poetry a couple of years ago and for some reason chose to do so on The problem with that was it was a very expensive finished product and there was no way to make a Kindle version. Late last year, I used Amazon to publish Astral Messages – my third book or poetry – and it was so easy….. This made me think. Why not re-do Poems for the Little Room on Amazon? So – very shortly, a new version of Poems for the Little Room will be available in paperback and Kindle formats from the Amazon sites. It will still be a tad pricey because its full color but nothing like the price on… My three books of poetry – Astral

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Five Star Reviews

The Last Observer: A Magical Battle For Reality, Roundfire, 2013 Stan has a gift. He has always had the ability to affect his surroundings. He just does not realise the magnitude and potential of this ability. There are some though who know only too well what this could mean and the purposes to which it could be put and when a spate of psychics end up dead in mysterious circumstances it becomes clear that they are unlikely to give Stan the time he needs to discover his true potential. Help though is at hand and when Edward realises what is afoot it becomes a race against time and impending doom to find Stan and save him and the wider world from catastrophe. A thoroughly engaging career through the magical and

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Who is Lisa Ann?

I must confess to having read a story on one of the newspaper sites about the browsing stats published by a pornographic outlet called Pornhub. Apparently, the average Brit visits this site for just under 10 minutes a day if I understood it correctly which is just behind the US but significantly more than much of the rest of the world. Most revealing was the fact that a small town called Ware wins the award for most compulsive pornography viewing town in the UK. I have vaguely heard of Ware but that’s about it. Actually, the data, if you can stomach it, is pretty revealing. Apparently, what does for an American isn’t a Brit’s cup of tea and there appears to be a good deal of nationalism when it comes

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A Premium on using Intelligence

I just read an article called ‘no, you are not entitled to an opinion‘. It’s worthwhile reading. The article talks in the context of the vaccination issue but it could equally well be talking about fracing, global warming, fukishima….. anything. You see these days everyone feels qualified to hold an opinion on everything whether qualified or not. I just read on a lady’s blog about fracing – in her opinion – backed up by a USA Today article she uses to validate her erroneous description of both fracing and the supposed issues around it. The USA Today article correctly points out that sometimes fracing can be improperly done and it can cause problems – not a reason to be anti-fracing but certainly a good reason to ensure that fracing activities

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