Archive for March, 2013

Prague Spring?

Occasionally, a pattern sets up in life and you wonder what could be the meaning. Recently, say since November last year, if my daughter isn’t sick then I am. Colds, flu, pneumonia etc. You name it, it’s been a visitor here. Unfortunately, this causes all kinds of problems. Hoe do you keep an executive level job where your signature commits the company when you are mostly at home? When our daughter is sick, it means one of us must stay at home and be ‘mum’. I love doing it actually. I really feel much closer to my daughter these days but how much holiday time can I take before I am in trouble. For Gabriela, the issue is in some ways worse, she is rather new at her job and

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Reality Quotes

To support some of the concepts explored in The Last Observer, I have been posting and will continue to post, quotes from people on the nature of reality and magic. It’s actually quite amazing when you start looking for these quotes, how much agreement there seems to be between widely diverse people on the topic of reality………. Let’s explore a few; [I can’t accept quantum mechanics because] “I like to think the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.” Albert Einstein We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better. J. K. ROWLING, speech to Harvard Alumni Association, 2008 “Every man lives in a world of his own creation,

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