A New Year

Perhaps you are wondering why I have gone so quiet? Maybe not but I havent posted much here for a couple of weeks. The reason is I am hard at work on my new book – a novel – and I cant stop working on it. It has become my obsession and every spare minute I am writing. The book is called The Last Observer and I first thought of the concept about five years ago. I discussed it with my eldest son in a pub in London around that time and he was very taken by the plot…so much so he keeps asking me how it is going….

So here we are in another new year. In reality, its just another day and I have always wondered why folks get so excited by it. Maybe I am just not fun loving or something but it always seemed a pointless holiday to me. We flip over the calendar page 365 times a year and when we get to the end we celebrate and start the cycle all over again. I suppose though it is symbolic of a fresh start, a clean slate. We can for one day make a clean break with the past and start anew. But we can chose to do that anytime and every day when we awake we can make our affirmations for the day knowing its a new day… A new start.

As I read the news today not much has changed. The same stories, the same tragedies, the same hatreds and intolerances cry out from the page. So if individually we are all making a new start how come collectively nothing at all changed?

My hope for the new year is that more of us will start working for a new reality. One in which love is the centerpiece. Its our reality so why let the haters hijack it?

So let us all start our days this new year by spending just a few moments before we get out of bed in the morning imagining a love centered world……lets see what happens if we do shall we?

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