The Realization

Realizations are funny things. When it finally happens it shifts your axis. It moves your world. They are born oftentimes by necessity out of pain. And the moment they happen, the pain is replaced with incredulity. How did I not see this before? I guess there truly is a structure to the human learning process – a methodology. My pain and anguish has not totally gone. It will not go quietly nor abruptly for the process of growing, learning, and maturing is not something that occurs in an instant. But there is a tipping point at which the realization takes seed in fertile soil and, nourished by the tears of agony, begins to grow. The seed germinates and takes root in our dark night of the soul and it reaches

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Sickened by Conspiracy

Last night, I tapped into the search bar on You tube ‘David Bowie interviews’. I was amazed, saddened and yes, deeply angered by what came up. Video after video proclaiming Bowie a satanist who has faked his own death and much worse. I fear that this has become an epidemic and it is one I personally have no time for whatsoever. Actually, there are two issues at play here. First, the term ‘satanist’ combined with ‘satan’ or ‘the Devil’ and secondly, the idea that people haven’t died – including school kids in the US and famous people like David Bowie. Let’s deal with the first one first. There are satanists. They do indeed exist. However, all the evidence around David Bowie is that he had an interest in the occult

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Get a Grip!

Tomorrow sees the release of my new book – How To Create Your Own Reality in kindle and paperback formats. Pre-orders have been strong and the book is already ranking on bestseller lists on Amazon! Yes – I am creating my own reality and the book outlines how. I do think that readers of the book will certainly have food for thought along with some techniques to try out. I also believe that anyone who reads the book might just change their outlook on life and, if they do that, then they will change their reality because that change in outlook will have an impact. The content of the book is drawn from many blog articles written over the last several years that have been edited, added to and organized

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Prayer and its Power….

I just finished a book by Mark Stavish called The Inner Way – The Power of Prayer and Belief in Spiritual Practice. Prayer is a very powerful tool that we have in our armory of magickal tools and one that is often overlooked. This is my review from Strange Book Reviews – my book review website. Five-stars from me for a wonderful book. There are books that you read, enjoy, perhaps assimilate a little of, and then consign to the dusty shelf of books once read but never retouched. There are other books that you read turning page after page, eager to move on, knowing that to properly assimilated, the book will need to be kept close at hand to be read, reread and dipped into when necessary. These latter types

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Expectation and the Power of Prayer

A few weeks ago, someone posted in the local Brno-based group on Facebook that the supermarkets here always had empty shelves and that they couldn’t find a number of food items that they were used to in Germany. Politely, I made the comment that I never had experienced that problem and pointed them to a number of locations stocking the items that they needed. I also made the remark that we must live in parallel universes. Not knowing me, that comment was taken the wrong way but I actually meant it. To me, this was another example of magic at work. We get what we expect. The German plainly had an expectation contrary to mine, that the supermarket shelves were often empty and, as a result, they were. On the

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Visualizing the Future

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about a new way to pray in which I highlight a youtube video that says the way to pray isn’t to ask for something but to imagine you already have it. Then yesterday, I came across this article that talks about using the power of imagination to rehearse an outcome. Apparently, it is used particularly by sports people. Magic, is creeping into everything these days it seems. Yes, this is magic – the old wicked, evil occult stuff…… The basis of magic is to empower and enflame the imagination to visualize something that we would like to see happen in our reality. We do this by using symbols that focus our imaginings on what it is we want. We can use a

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The Politics of Hate and the Free Thinker

The recent events in the Muslim world have disturbed me more than almost any other news story of late. I confess, I have less familiarity with the Koran than I do with the Bible but from what I have managed to glean, Islam is a religion that teaches love and tolerance and also has a strong mystical vein rich in meaning. These events got me thinking. I guess my first reaction was to simply decide and confirm my view that religions – any religion – are a bad idea. I mean, its easy to condemn these hate-filled, venomous Islamists based on their actions. But look at the history of christianity! In the persecution of the Cathars, as one city was sacked in south-west France, the noble Catholic leader of the

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